Ask Italian Gift Cards


Say a big thank you at a small cost.

At ASK Italian ... we live, breathe, and cook Italian.  Everyone here is passionate about food.  The chefs cook real Italian recipes in an authentic Italian way, using fresh, quality ingredients sourced by expert friends and suppliers.  Season by season, they share special dishes and the stories behind them so you can taste the country’s true colours and flavours.

ASK Italian gift cards are the perfect way to give your business a boost. They are used by companies for staff incentives and prizes, for long service awards, customer loyalty and acquisition programmes as well as dealer incentive schemes.

Business support is offered with access to pictures and logos, a great team of advisors are available to offer advice on how to use ASK Italian gift cards in various business to business programmes.

For more information call the business to business team on 01344 987678, or email  The business team are available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.